Friday, 17 October 2014

10th post special: How to weaponise a pathogen

The outbreak of Ebola in West Africa has been a huge news story over the past few weeks. 4,000 people have died from the virus, which currently has a 70% case mortality rate. Maybe it's because I'm a little crazy, but whilst reading about ebola I thought: why has no-one attempted to weaponise ebola yet? I mean, ISIS, or whatever they're called this week, wouldn't have to worry about guns and bombs, if they could wipe out western civilisation with a microbe! But actually, attempts have been made to weaponise ebola, although not entirely successfully... The Japanese terrorist/general crackpot cult Aum Shinrikyo, responsible for the gassing of the Tokyo subways in 1995 by producing sarin gas (the solid and liquid reagents in plastic bags were wrapped in newspaper, and punctured with umbrellas as cult members got off the train, allowing the deadly reaction to occur), made an attempt to obtain ebola cultures for weaponisation in 1992, under the guise of providing aid during an outbreak in the DRC. However they failed spectacularly, and returned to Japan without a single culture. That's all well and good, but how would you go about creating a strain of ebola that develops resistance to vaccines and antibiotics faster, transfers the resistances to other individuals, with increased virulence, a greater range of potential hosts and that would evade detection? I struggled to find any information on precisely what part of the viral genome you'd have to modify to make ebola even more infectious, although ebola's genome is composed of only one strand of RNA 19,000 nucleotides long. It only encodes seven structural proteins: nucleoprotein (produces more nucleic acids), polymerase cofactor (chemical compound required for polymerase enzyme to copy RNA), GP, transcription activator (promotes transcription of genes) , VP24, and RNA polymerase (copies RNA). All of these structural proteins are vital for viral survival, but the transcription activator protein is what we're looking for here. In ebola the transcription activator would bind near the promoter region on a gene, and forge protein-protein interactions with the transcription machinery, like the RNA polymerase, promoting gene transcription into mRNA, which can then be translated into protein. If you could artificially modify genes coding for the transcription activator, by say histone modifications (can you even do that in viruses?), to produce more of the protein, it could have the potential to supercharge viral replication inside host cells, so they could lyse more host cells at a faster rate, thus killing the organism faster. But that's only skimming the surface of what's probably possible with the right technology and knowledge. Conspiracy theorists take note, we may have a future government experiment on our hands...

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